Activate Your Soul Force Workshop

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, knowing deep down what you need to do but just can't seem to start? Are you ready to go beyond just bouncing back and truly thrive, becoming a more powerful, antifragile version of yourself?

Imagine creating a life that vibrates with the unique frequency of your Soul's essence—a life so full of purpose and passion that it naturally inspires everyone around you to do the same. If this resonates with you, then this workshop is where your transformation begins.

"Karin is one of the most radiantly alive and zesty people I have ever met—her enthusiasm is contagious!" — Tom Norwood




Designed by Heroes, for Heroes

This workshop, crafted by Heroic, is part of a global movement aimed at helping 51% of the world's population to flourish by 2051. As a certified Heroic Workshop Instructor and Coach, I’m thrilled to bring this transformative experience directly to you. This isn’t just another workshop; it’s a powerful leap into a life of purpose and impact.

"Karin’s energy creates profound ripples of love and kindness that are changing the world. She truly knows how to connect you to your best self!" — Hank

Why This Workshop?

Because it’s time to identify what truly matters most to you and take immediate, meaningful action. You’ll walk away not just with inspiration, but with a clear, actionable plan to live in alignment with your highest goals.

"Karin’s enthusiastic delivery of the workshop material helped me learn tools for life." — Lisa Dymond

"Be ready to have your heart blown open by your very own potential." — Gina Karnisova



What Will We Do Together?

We’ll dive deep into ancient wisdom, cutting-edge science, and proven behavioral tools that will transform how you see your challenges and help you crush your wildly important goals—without the overwhelm!


Here’s what you’ll master:

  • Crystal-clear clarity on your most important goals for the next 6-12 months.
  • Unshakeable confidence to tackle the hard stuff and fully embody who you’re meant to be.
  • How to consistently express your best self and show up in life with intention.
  • Tools to intentionally respond to life’s challenges.
  • Techniques to leverage your past successes to build an even better future.
  • How to flourish with more wisdom, discipline, courage, love, gratitude, hope, curiosity, and zest.

"Karin teaches with passion and deep knowledge, quickly guiding you to your core. It touches you, inspires you, and gives you the motivation to take action with the right tools." — Petra Branco


Who Is This For?

This workshop is for anyone ready to evolve and connect with their highest self. Whether you’re a high school student, a stay-at-home parent, or enjoying retirement, if you’re alive, you’re growing—and this workshop will help you do it with purpose and power.

Even if you’re a personal development veteran, you’ll find new insights and processes to integrate into your journey. I’ve guided participants as young as 16 and as wise as 72 through this experience, and it has been profoundly impactful for all.

"One of the most powerful experiences ever. I left with tools I can use to change my life and the lives of others. Karin’s depth of experience, passion, and care for people and the world are unparalleled." — Scott McIntosh

"Karin was amazing in authentically guiding us through exercises by being vulnerable, allowing us to open up and connect to our inner best self." — Jochen Schmiedbauer


This transformative experience will be recorded, so if you can’t attend live, you’ll still have access to all the insights and exercises. If you’d prefer a 1-on-1 session, reach out, and we’ll find a time that works for you.

Want to bring your family or your business team along for the ride? Let’s set up a call to tailor the experience to your needs. Contact me directly at [email protected].

What’s Included?

Everyone who participates will receive a free one-year Premium membership to (a $99 value!), giving you access to an unparalleled personal development platform that will support your journey long after the workshop ends.

"It’s a full circle, quick, efficient event that gets your goals straight, but also helps you remember your inner power and celebrate who you already ARE." — Linda Jochems






What Are People Saying?

"Karin is magic! Her infectious energy and clarity guide you on a journey to becoming your best Heroic self!" — Alycia Lee

"Karin provides a safe and comfortable space to reach your Heroic Potential. Her vulnerability and honesty create an environment where you feel empowered to be your true self." — Adam Lugsch-Tehle

"This workshop reflects your daily challenges and provides you with tools to become the best version of yourself." — Markus Peters

"Karin has a beautiful presence. It was uncomfortable at first, but she believed in me and trusted me. It's remarkable to be near such a wonderful soul." — Justin

"This workshop helped me identify my strengths and goals. It also helped me become more mindful, and I loved the exercises!" — Wendy Skyba

"An incredible transformative experience! The tools you learn in this workshop will impact your life in your vocation, your goals for the future, and your relationships. Life-changing!" — Gina Karnisova

"It’s very deep work, but simplified in an easy way to grasp. An absolute must on the self-development path. Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom." — Petra

"Thank you so, so much for the wonderful workshop 🙏 It was so helpful and made me think about so many things that I had forgotten about myself and life. Thank you for your lovely energy 🙏🥰🥰" — Tara

"This is a great workshop for people who are ready to flip the switch and make necessary changes in their lives!" — Vicky van Amsterdam

"It's a good way to learn how to deal with your goals and write down for yourself what is really important. I also really liked implementing the breathwork in between." — Lizet Marte

Are you ready to step into your Soul Force and live the life you’re meant to?

Sign Up Now!

Don’t wait—secure your spot and get ready to activate your best self!

" This workshop helped me identify my strenghts and goals. It also helped me become more mindful and I loved the exercises!' -Wendy Skyba



Are you ready to become the Hero of your own story? Then join me!


50% Complete

Two Step

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