The Fully Expressed Life

This programme is for you is when you are ready to stop hiding…when there is a little voice inside of you saying: “come out come out wherever you are…!”

The Fully Expressed Life is a life where all parts of you are IN your body, being seen, being heard and being loved.


I am not talking about those good juicy parts…the ones you know well and others get to see often…like your talents and gifts and how you love and serve others…the ones you are proud of…

But also those other ones…you know the ones…the ones YOU don’t even dare to really look at…

But you know they are there….waiting…waiting…pushing in your belly, aching around your neck, straining in your throat…

Those parts that feel ashamed, embarrassed, rejected and mistreated.

Those parts that feel too much, too big, too loud, too sexual, too hungry, too horny, too curvy, too skinny, too opinionated, too messy, too emotional, too *fill in the blank* about anything that you tell yourself you are….

Those parts too…

And let’s not forget those truth telling parts inside of you…that have been silenced for so long!

Yes, those count as well…

Basically all the good, the bad and the ugly…can you feel it…imagine that…all those parts…




Do you truly know who you are when all of you is out there in the open?

Do you truly know who you are when all of you is received?

By you?

And then…received by those who are ready for you?


This has been one of the most challenging and personal journeys for me. To own all parts of me and see myself as whole. My dark and my 'good' parts and my shadows...

To understand that I all those parts of me is what created the unique brand of human that is Karin Monster-Peters…

I know who I am…I know how I love…I know what I need…I know how I serve…so that I can show up with all of me fully expressed.

This has meant a lot of deep explorations and many uncomfortable questions AND answers. Seeing, feeling and owning the pain of all those beliefs that were keeping me from living the life that is right for ME.


2022 was the year of ME. Where I decided that I couldn’t keep serving until I gave myself the time and space to go after what I wanted. With so much faith and surrender to the process of following the nudges, walking my talk and owning that I did know what I wanted…and that it was time go for it!

I stepped up my game on all levels…meaning that:

  • I realized that I am much more kickass than I say I am. Even though I am a very quantum spiritual coach…I am much more grounded and here in this world than I am just waiting around for good things to happen. I go out there and make them happen! I walk my talk, don’t take my own bullshit and take responsibilities for my choices.
  • Through that I turned my world upside down completely! I trained diligently for the Camino de Santiago, did all the inner and outer work necessary to create finances for a one month holiday in the Dominican Republic, we found our dream home and bought it and are even living mortgage free, I walked the Camino de Santiago, I have transformed my physical body in ways I actually never thought possible and my relationship with my husband and children has never been better! And I got certified as a Heroic Coach! Many lifelong dreams were checked off my list!
  • I've kept adding to my world by now also being a Heroic Workshop Facilitator and Heroic Level 2 Coach...and I even completed a Spartan Race...who knew my 45 year old body would be able to do that! Ha! 
  • All because I have just stopped holding back…
    • Stopped holding back asking for what I want
    • Stopped holding back asking for what I need
    • Stopped holding back expressing who I am
    • And stopped holding back DOING and BEING all of the above.
  • And this is how the Universe sighed in relief with a big ‘finally…there she IS…and now I TRULY know what she wants’
  • And as I physically moved in the direction of my desires…the Universe has been conspiring with me and things just fall into place…

 And now I am ready to take you on this journey of exploration as well!

This programme is for you when you are:

  • Hiding different aspects of yourself that are longing to be seen…
  • Not fully expressing parts of you that are desperate to come out to play…
  • Sick and tired of your own bullshit and feeling stuck!
  • And just feeling soooo ready to be fully expressed….



How will this look like?

  • This is a 1 on 1 three months programme
  • Most of the deep work will be with assignments that I will provide you with after our initial ‘Own your Truth’ intake session. During this session you will be taking ownership for your journey of expression in acknowledgement that you are ready to be YOU.

During our months together, we will be diving into:

Month 1: Self

Month 2: Relationships

Month 3: Service

  • We will have 2 coaching sessions each month through Zoom.
  • All sessions will be recorded for you to re-listen when you feel called to.
  • During these sessions we will go into your exploration assignments and we will do energy work on what has come up for you during these processes.
  • You will be held, seen and loved in a space of non-judgement to make space for you to do the same for yourself.

Yes, this IS shadow work being held in quantum energy work! With a good side of positive psychology, ACT and stoicism! 


Pay in full: € 897

Payment plan:

2 payments of €475 (total € 950)

Monthly payment of € 333 (total of € 999)







50% Complete

Two Step

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