Pelvic Clearing

Throughout my years of healing work, I've learned that the human body is amazing and complex.

 It is a vessel which harbors an entire lifetime of traumas and joys, heartbreaks and successes – whether or not we consciously remember them.

 And one of the main places we, especially us women, store them…is in our pelvic region.

It’s no coincidence that in yoga they say that the psoas is the muscle of the soul…

But…it’s not only the psoas, it’s the hips, joints, colon, bladder,  your reproductive organs and your sexual organs…You will not believe what we store and where and on which layer of being…!

I am talking sexual partners, sexual experiences, miscarriages, abortions, pregnancies, births, emotions around worth, sexuality, money, etc...etc...And what about what you have taken on through the generations? DNA? Past lifes? 

These trapped memories of pain and trauma can express themselves in unwanted ways – disease and illness, toxic relationships, lack of fulfillment and joy.

This negativity can impact all aspects of your life.

The good news is, that they don’t have stay stuck there! Through my years of working with women, I have developed a process to unravel and remove that what you have been holding on to…that simply doesn’t serve you anymore! 

All these old wounds, past traumas, and blocks prevent you from living out your true, full potential.

You will reconnect to your body and to your soul for a more passionate and intentional way of life!


"As as reflexologist, reiki Seichem and EFT practitioner, I understand how energetic blockages can keep one feeling stuck in old patterns and behaviours that hold us back from our true potential, no matter how much 'mindfulness' work someone does. However, Karin’s unique ability in helping me to release old patterns allowed me to actually feel integration with my soul on a cellular level... powerful stuff!

Theresa Fowler, The Thought Shifter, self-love and weight loss mentor, and energy worker

"I've done this session with Karin Monster-Peters and cannot recommend it enough. It was actually weeks of sweet healing and restoration that have left me in a state of wholeness."

Monique Alvarez-Business Coach

"I had an astounding experience with intuitive healer, Karin Monster-Peters that I want to share with you.
This woman Leads With Love.

Working with Karin was a profound and powerful experience.

In my first session I got so much loving clarity about the things I was holding onto and what was really holding me back.

Some of them surprised me. I had no idea that I'd let someone else take up so much emotional and energetic space in my body and my life.

Immediately things started to show up in my life to call me into the alignment I was now ready for.

It took me many days to start to integrate what was revealed and healed in our session. I left the session buzzing with energy and knowing without a doubt the the most important thing to do was to rest and love myself fiercely.

Thank you, Karin, for helping me clear away the past and release the blocks so I could reclaim myself, heart, mind, body, and soul - and crown myself Queen of me again  đź‘‘"

Kristy Zeiler Scher, US


"I had a couple of healing sessions with Karin, which were out of this world...literally! Her ability to tune into you and create the space for the necessary energy work to take place, is amazing. Karin puts you at ease straight away, she's great fun (which is perfect for me!) and keeps you informed of what's happening every step of the way. I'd highly recommend her for anyone who feels things aren't quite right but is unsure what's needed!"

Katie Farrell, coach and hypnotherapist

"I received so many unexpected benefits from Karin's pelvic healing group sessions. I had previously done other types of healing for sexual traumas, but had never done any clearing for all the things that Karin included.

From her group session, I achieved even more freedom from those traumas. She cleared energies from past lovers -- which was a relief due to a period of much promiscuity when I was young. I could feel the clearing of scar tissue in my fallopian tubes from an illness. And I remembered an early miscarriage I had all but forgotten. It was so sweet -- I came to know that it was a girl and her name was Jeannie! I felt no sadness, but joy in knowing her soul.

The way I walk has changed since the healing, as the uneven way I held my hips has corrected itself. I can feel the decades-long low back discomfort from my crooked hips healing itself now. And the totally unexpected benefit from all of this? Amazing up-leveling of orgasms!

Thank you, Karin, for your gifts and the remarkable healing you provided to me!"

Janet Hilts, Reiki Master and Coach


Book your Pelvic Healing Sessions today!

You and I meet together through Zoom three times for this amazing pelvic healing sessions.

Where I guide you into releasing and healing so that you too can connect to WORTH and PASSION…!


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