Do you feel like you are wired for Overwhelm, Anxiety and Burnout? 
Are you needing to connect to Life in a more meaningful way?
And wanting to  connect to YOU to support HOW you show up to what matters most?


I've got you! 
Years and years of honing my craft, teaching these tools and most of all, practicing them my self...I TRUST that I can support you on your path to becoming the most inspired and aligned version of YOU.
How to get started...get in touch with me and we can feel together how I can best guide you on your journey! 
Get in touch!





Join the Vibrant Sensitive Movement group on FB where you will connect with other sensitive souls and with me!

You will find inspiration, meditations and free classes on many topics that will support you in becoming who you want to BE: a Vibrant Sensitive Person living a life she loves!

Yes, I want to join!


Supporting YOU in your journey of self discovery is how I feel fully expressed! Let's discover together which parts of you are yearning to be heard, seen, loved and fulfilled so that you can flourish as a Highly Sensitive Person

1- on 1 Support

Coaching and Healing Programmes specifically designed for YOU

Dive right in!

Pre-recorded programmes and workshops

You don't know where to start?

How about signing up for the Energy Mastery Quickstart? It's full of tools, techniques and healings to empower you into a Thriving Sensitive!

"Before I came to see Karin, I noticed that I was stuck and that my personal growth and development had stagnated. This frustrated me! I was very aware of what my blockages in my system were, but they were too deeply implanted to be removed or cleared with standard therapy methods. We worked with Touch of Matrix and this proved to be a stunningly powerful method for me. Without judgement and with much love and energy, Karin has released me from old blockages and beliefs. Her personal and warm approach, made me feel enormously at ease, which made the treatment even more successful. Everyone deserves this clearance of beliefs and blockages so that they can take the steps necessary for growth "

Silvy, The Netherlands.

"I had several coaching and energy management sessions with Karin after my husband had sessions with her himself with great results. I started out because I was curious but mostly because I knew that I had a lot to clear out in my system. During the discovery session I was freed of many emotions, so I was hooked and knew I had to work with Karin. In only a few sessions I felt different: calm...happy...Karin is a very loving person with an enormous amount of energy. During the session 'things' happen that I just can't explain and are very special. I'm happy that Karin came into my path. "

C., The Netherlands

"Karin is not only a beautiful person, she is both coach and healer, and is totally attuned to her clients' needs. She has done so much for me already. Words can't really convey. It's so difficult and complicated when you realise that you are wounded, suffering intergenerational trauma, relationship issues, parenting issues and you're HS/gifted with HS/gifted children... all in one hit. But she has totally helped me to navigate and begin to reconcile all these things, breaking cycles and turning my life around. She's also now my friend I love her very much and can't recommend her enough."

Charmaine, UK

Many people have no idea what High Sensitivity is and have a very negative view of it...

Let’s be clear: Highly Sensitive individuals are far from weak. In fact, they possess extraordinary resilience and grit, having navigated a world that often feels misaligned with their needs. Sensitivity is not a flaw; it’s a powerful trait. Elaine Aron coined the term "High Sensitivity," but the scientific name is Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), and its hallmark is depth of processing. Yet, many misunderstand it, associating it with fragility or negativity.

So, let’s dispel some myths:

Being Highly Sensitive does NOT mean you're constantly overwhelmed by your emotions.
It does NOT mean you are stuck in victimhood, endlessly reliving trauma.
It does NOT mean you crumble when life knocks you down. In fact, you get back up—time and time again.
It does NOT mean you can’t take a joke or that you’re overly sentimental.
It does NOT automatically mean you're an empath attuned to the living, or a sensitive attuned to spirits—being sensitive is not a curse!
Now, why do I stress this?

Because my Highly Sensitive clients:

  • Are deeply moved by beauty in the world and may cry because of its intensity—but that’s not weakness, that’s depth.
  • Acknowledge their pain and trauma but meet life with a wicked sense of humor. Humor is their resilience!
  • Have been told they’re “too much”—too passionate, too sensitive, too intense—but they’re now ready to embrace their full, glorious expression.
  • Have been knocked down by life more times than they can count but continue to create the lives they desire.
  • Are highly attuned to both their inner and outer worlds. Whether empathic or not, they stand in their power and use their sensitivity to serve the world in ways only they can.

One last thing: 20% of every population is Highly Sensitive. It’s time to recognize this trait for the strength and gift it truly is.

Sensitivity is power, not a limitation. 

Grab your Guide here!

Is it time for a life that meets your sensitive needs? Download your 6 steps guide and get started now!


"For me, what I love about Karin is her embodiment of what she is teaching. This means, that she shows up as who she is and holds that soft-landing wholeheartedly empathetic space and very human space many of us, me included are craving! So, no wonder amazing healings and life-changing shifts happen when people are in her presence be they in receipt of healing, being part of her extraordinary healing circle or well just in her field! Yes, really she is that extraordinary! Working with her this year, has shifted me on so deeply, I cannot even put it into words how amazing she is! :)"

Carrie Eddins

"Karin’s intuitive and empathic abilities are incredible. While I tend to be very left-brained and logical, every session I’ve had with her has pulled me out of my head, connected me with my heart and allowed deep and forgotten issues to surface in a safe space of powerful healing. I walk away feeling more alive, more empowered and more whole every time. Thank you Karin!!"

Jessa Green
digital nomad, Inspirational Instigator and Mindset Master

"Your work is at a totally different and higher level of everything I've done"

Marie Netz
Massage therapist

Start your Self-Healing Journey

Dive into 3 different tools that will activate the healer that is you!


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